Friday 31 August 2012

Move your images up the rankings

If you run an online store, you are going to have numerous images of the different products that your business  sells. While we all know the importance of search engine optimisation in ensuring the highest possible ranking for your website, you shouldn't forget the need to carry out this optimisation on your images. 

When a customer is looking to find a particular item they want to buy, they sometimes use the image section on a search engine to find a product that they are interested in. Ensuring that each of your images has the correct level of search engine optimisation will mean that when a user carries out a search related to your product, your images will be as high up the ranking as they possibly can. This will drastically increase the chances of you gaining extra traffic to your website, resulting in a number of extra sales.

Alt Tags

For those who don't know, alt tags are descriptive text for images which can be placed into an image using HTML. This descriptive text is what the search engine uses to determine it's ranking within certain keyword searches. When selecting your description text you must ensure that it clearly describes that the image portrays while still including some keywords.

If you wish to insert alt tags into your images, insert the following code into your webpage, entering the required information into each field: 

<img src="Image file" alt="Image description text"/>

Anchor Text

Like the alt tags, this allows you to link your image to the text when describing the content of the image. When inserting the anchor text you should look to use words that are keywords related to not only what the image depicts, but also the content for the webpage. 

File name

The name of the image is very important when it comes to a search engine identifying it's keywords. A search engine is going to have difficulty placing an image with a keyword if the file name is for example,  "img00232." When you select that image to place within your ecommerce store, you need to rename the file so what it is called something that relates to what the image depicts.

SEO the whole page

It's no good just going SEO for that images that you wish to place in your store. Whatever images you decide to place on your website, you need to make sure that the entire page is optimised for search engines. This means making sure that your page contains the correct keywords, meta tags and has backlinks placed on other sites that point back to your page.

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